
Understanding Beverage Service

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Understanding Beverage Service

If you are like most people, you might not see what all of the hype is about when it comes to working with sommeliers and beverage services. However, if you have ever worked with one of these talented professionals, you would know that it can really make a huge difference in your overall experience. I began hiring a sommelier for our big work parties a few months ago, and I was really impressed to see how much better things were. I wanted to create a blog completely dedicated to understanding beverage service and streamlining issues, so I made this fun blog.


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What To Consider When Planning The Liquor For Your Wedding

If you are planning your own wedding and are having to come up with the liquor for your big day, there is a lot to think about. You want to please everyone, but unless you have an unlimited budget, you're going to have to make hard choices. There are things you can do in order to please your guests on your big day, and still allow everyone to enjoy themselves responsibly. Read on for a few things to consider as you plan your liquor for your wedding day.

Choose Mid-Level Shelf Liquors

Top shelf liquor may not be in your budget, but nobody is going to complain about getting free drinks at a wedding that is middle of the road alcohol. Don't go with the pricey alcohol, instead go with something a bit in between that you can still make cocktails with and still taste good to your wedding guests. There is quite a cost savings in this area, and you'll still have the drinks everyone wants.

Go With A Signature Cocktail

Signature cocktails can be something fun for your wedding. It can be named after you and be one of just a few of the cocktails served at your wedding. Serve something unique that you've both come up with and skip having several different cocktails served. This can save you big, as you won't need as many different types of liquor, just a few options will be needed.

Get A Keg Rather Than Bottles Or Cans

Instead of having everyone drinking bottles or cans at your wedding, have a keg on tap for your guests to drink from. This can be a cost savings as well, although you may not have as many beer options available as one would like; but again, free drinks are better than having to buy them themselves, so your guests will more than likely be fine with this. Go with a keg of beer that you know most will drink and that will go over with the majority of the beer drinking crowd.

If you are planning the liquor portion of your wedding on your own, go to your local liquor store to discuss your liquor options and what other things you should consider, including how you can stay within budget, while also entertaining your guests. Discuss other tips for your liquor for your big day, including how much alcohol is going to be needed based on your number of guests.

To learn more, contact a liquor store in your area.